Use "quasar|quasars" in a sentence

1. In particular, the analysis of Lyman-alpha lines in quasar spectra allowed them to measure the 1D flux power spectrum that is related to the 3D matter distribution.

Insbesondere gestattete ihnen die Analyse der Lyman-alpha-Linien in den Quasarspektren, das eindimensionale Flussleistungsspektrum zu messen, das in Beziehung zur dreidimensionalen Materieverteilung steht.

2. Astronomers working on the EU-funded MINE BOSS (Mining for metals in a massive spectroscopic survey of the intergalactic medium) project employed quasars to measure baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs).

Die an dem EU-finanzierten Projekt MINE BOSS (Mining for metals in a massive spectroscopic survey of the intergalactic medium) arbeitenden Astronomen nutzten Quasare zur Messung von baryonischen akustischen Oszillationen (Baryon Acoustic Oscillation, BAO).

3. The oldest quasars (z > 4) display a Gunn-Peterson trough and clearly have absorption regions in front of them indicating that the intergalactic medium at that time was neutral gas.

Nur sehr kurzzeitig hell aufleuchtende Phänomene ( Supernova , Gammastrahlenblitz ) sind eventuell energiereicher.